Message from our New CEO
I don’t believe in comfort zones. I do, however, believe in the infinite possibilities that we are able to achieve, by hurling ourselves into the unknown.
I know it is during those unnerving moments, those unsure steps taken, that we are able to discover the power we didn’t know we had, uncover growth with limitless boundaries. And it is then that we are finally able to say … “We did it!”
Dedré Lemmer, CEO
If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you. This is just one of the many pearls of wisdom imparted to me by Francois Wilbers, who founded WORK DYNAMICS in 1993. I am extremely honoured to have been entrusted with my new position as CEO. I will continue to expand on the successful foundation created by Francois.
Our success is attributed to the passion and diligence of our incredibly accomplished and dedicated former MD. For this, we are incredibly grateful. Thankfully Francois will continue to serve as a Shareholder and Director at WORK DYNAMICS. As always, he will invariably remain committed to serving his valued clients, in a consulting capacity, particularly in the field of Remuneration.
As the new CEO of WORK DYNAMICS, I would like to share one of my strongest personal beliefs, as it will undoubtedly contribute to the very core values, on which we are committed to build, as we advance and expand on the future of our extraordinarily unique company. With myself at the steering wheel, I know that every decision made in the present will be paid forward into a better tomorrow. My vast experience and incredible drive will always motivate a continued commitment to future-forward thinking, as the ONLY direction to follow. Together with our extremely motivated team, we pledge to propel WORK DYNAMICS toward unparalleled service as the ultimate goal. I strongly believe that it is like times like these, in the wake of global turbulence and uncertainty, far outside our comfort zones, that we truly experience ourselves, and although you may not think it … our greatest strengths are realized.
Which is why I don’t believe in comfort zones. I do, however, believe in the infinite possibilities that we are able to achieve, by hurling ourselves into the unknown.
I know it is during those unnerving moments, those unsure steps taken, that we are able to discover the power we didn’t know we had, uncover growth with limitless boundaries. And it is then that we are finally able to say … “We did it!”
I have practiced this philosophy ever since I can remember. Over the years, WORK DYNAMICS has provided me with the honour of actively living and launching this philosophy, by living it with and through every single client, I not only serve but truly invest in. By prioritising the success of those I commit myself to, experience with the insight and fortitude to appreciate what sets us apart from any other consultancy.
At WORK DYNAMICS we understand that we have an obligation, not only to ensure that we deliver projected outcomes. We recognize that as Organisational Psychologists, we have a moral obligation to take responsibility in imparting both knowledge and skills, to those who have put their trust in us.
This is why we are completely adamant that our greatest value lies in the legacy derived from self-sustaining and productive outcomes to facilitate growth. That’s our focus. That’s our prize.
As the newly appointed CEO, I’ve had the opportunity to strategically apply my ideas and have been afforded the ability to influence the future direction of we know we have to take.
To prepare organisations for the “NEW WORLD OF WORK” is one of my main ambitions and I see it as a hugely exciting initiative. One that I’m itching to tackle. As this is a global issue, which is new to all of us, my utter devotion lies in the VITAL task of successfully preparing organisations by aiding the way they navigate through the new and relatively abstract changes we are currently facing.
Organisations must address this dire & most urgent need for qualified and passionate Behavioral Specialists to help them navigate through the global devastation brought about by the pandemic, and what can collectively be seen as the advent of the 4th and 5th Industrial Revolution. The magnitude and complexity of change cannot be underestimated.
Personally, I find it exhilarating that Africa, our home, as a continent is mentioned in countless articles as having the potential of being at the forefront of the 5th Industrial Revolution, where technology and humanity meet. Our success as a continent will however depend on how effective we are in putting the right strategies in place and developing the appropriate knowledge and skills of our people. Now, that is a challenge that any Organisational Psychologist will eat for breakfast.
Which is why as CEO, I am inviting you to join me as I embark on, what I hope will be our first interactive objective which I have called “THE ONE-YEAR CEO CHALLENGE”, where I will be focusing on setting a new goal every month – starting from January 2023. This goal is inspired by the belief in the limitless potential for growth that we each possess. It’s all relative and you know yourself better than anybody. You choose your own challenge. All I ask is that you JUST START.
I’m sure that you have guessed that these goals will be about growing beyond your own boundaries, in order to embrace the changes, that we are all actively living as organisations today. What an awesome way to celebrate the end of an uncertain few years! Let’s get ready for a great 2023.
By starting with a single element, which does not completely overwhelm nor intimidate you, this will lead to a positive change, and change should feel different.
A last bit of insight, we have all experienced a turbulent few years, both post and during COVID. We’ve all experienced loss, we are currently being challenged by many variables and we are adapting to a completely new “normal” way of life. So, let’s make sure we don’t forget the importance of the human element as we re-set and navigate our way through and beyond.
You are not alone. As I take on my role as CEO, know that, together with our highly capable WORK DYNAMICS Team, I will make each and every single one a priority.